Easy and Effective Saving Tips for Student in Singapore

You might think that saving is only for people who are suffering in their life. In reality, all people needs to save. But how should they do it? It’s very simple! You will only need to limit your expenses by cutting down the unnecessary things or the things that you are not using. Some students aren’t so sure about saving money because they taught it very hard. But when they learn it, they find it very helpful. The easiest and efficient way of saving are the following:


  • Choose School Activities Rather than Student Night out – Instead of going to bars, why not attend school activities that are for free. Others may find it boring at first, but when you are into it, you will definitely love it. Going to bars and clubs at night time is strictly prohibited especially to students.

Experience Selkirk 2013 2

  • Summer trips are expensive. You cannot avoid that summer will come. Therefore, summer trips are usually spent with you and your family. It is understood that when you are a student, your family will shoulder your expenses but not all because there are instances that you need to buy something that you need. Now, when your friends invite out on a summer trip, try to decline. Explain to them the worth of your education and your financial status. For sure, they will understand that. When summer hits, you can work part time so that you can earn a penny that is enough for your next semester.



Best Things a Woman Must Do When in Trouble

Most of the time, girls becomes independent and entrusting their safety to the people around them. However, there are times that this will happen because the reality is that many girls are scared to trust anybody because of the many things that might happen to them. These are the best things that a girl should do whenever she faces a real danger.


  • When you are going home and choose to ride a taxi, always make sure that you got all the information that you can get in your way to home late night. Also, give all the details to your mother of father and other relatives, if nobody answers your call, pretend to have a conversation with someone. By doing this, the driver would be in doubt to do crime. Hence, he will just bring you home very safe.


  • Moreover, if the taxi you are riding turn to a direction that you think might be suspicious, choke the driver using any string that you have. If ever it is not present, you can hardly pull his shirt. This will also do the same trap.
  • In addition, if you are walking along the streets and found that there are no cars or any vehicles available, walk as fast as you can as this will limit the chance of the stranger to follow you. However, if you think that he is still following you. Go to an ATM machine. Since ATM machines have CCTV cameras, strangers would leave you alone.

Always remember that criminals don’t want to be identified. Therefore, as much as possible be alert and keep an eye on the information that you can get in a person.


Making a Travel Affordable

All people can dream on everything that they want; it’s free. But in reality, it is very difficult to find the things that they say – free. In fact, when you visit different countries in the globe, you can only find cheap accommodation and travel. It’s a little bit weary but it is needed for you to save. Here are some ways to make your travel affordable:


  • Find some eat-all-you-can food places: In almost all countries around the globe, there are some restaurants that offers unlimited foods. Some restaurants have scheduled time for this offer. It will be better if you ask some locals.
  • Eat at sidewalk eateries: It’s fast and it is cheaper than eat-all-you-can restaurants. All in all it helps you save time and especially money.


  • Use a tourist card advantage: This card offers a very huge amount of discount most especially when visiting tourist spots in a particular country. Moreover, there are other tourist cards that has discounts on transportation. There are also times that fares will be free.
  • Be a house-sitter: If you are really dedicated to have an affordable travel, this might be for you. With house-sitting you can have free accommodation. In addition, you can be able to do everything when your boss is not around.
  • Be friendly to locals: Many local villagers in a country will offer you accommodation. This is something that they do in return for your good deed. Take advantage on this as this will be a great way to save money and time especially when looking for hotels.

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How Restaurants Can Makes Customers to Spend More

Singaporeans love different dishes and cuisines. If you go around Singapore, you will find various themed restaurants from Italian to Greek, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese and many more. Eating out is common here that there are others who do not care how much they spend just to eat delicious foods. Knowing that, restaurants are keen on providing the best service as a way of enticing their customers to spend more.


If you are a restaurant owner, of course you will use different tricks to entice your customers. This will translate to more profit, yeah? But how can you trick your customers to spend more? Here are some tips that you can consider:

  • Do not use dollar signs: When you are building your menu, forget about the dollar sign. Just put the number without it because customers will be reminded that they are spending money. The number is enough reminder that they are spending money, do not stress it further.
  • Get tricky with numbers: There are other restaurants that put cents in their menu. If you want your menu to be cleaner and simpler, forget about the cents.
  • Use exceptionally descriptive language: Items that use exceptionally descriptive language tend to sell more. Beautiful words are more appealing than simple ones.


  •  Think of warm names: If you want to entice your customers, you should know that giving warm names on the menu can make a difference. For example, Aunt Mary’s potato salad or Grandma’s famous homemade cookies.
  • Employ ethnic food terms: You can also employ ethnic food terms when you name your dishes. For example, if you specialize in Italian cuisine, your dishes must sound Italian.
  • Highlight special foods: You should visually highlight special foods. Your menu should be designed in such a way that it highlights special and expensive foods. You can for example bold and fancier fonts with delectable photographs.
  • Know reading patterns: Do you know that there is such thing as analysing your customer’s reading patterns? There are series of eye fascinations called scanpaths that you can use. Scanpaths will give you an idea of how people read things. In the case of restaurants, you should put your expensive items in the upper right corner of the menu board because it is where your customer’s eyes go first. You can use this to your advantage.

Hopefully the things mentioned above can help you with your profit and customer satisfaction. Restaurant business is complicated and it will make a difference if there are few tricks up your sleeve. If you are the customer and you do not want to spend more money, you have to look for the tricks mentioned above to avoid pitfalls.


Applications That Wipe Data

Your phone was lost or stolen. Unfortunately, your phone contains everything – basically your whole life. You are not concerned about the phone but the information that it contains. So, what is your action plan? You do not just let the information sit there because other people might use it to their advantage. You have to protect your information even if it means wiping it.


You need to be sure that the data is safe and secure. The good thing is that you can wipe the information before it gets in the hands of other people and misuse it. There are applications that you can employ to help you get rid of information whether your phone is lost, stolen or you just want to delete it. Here are some:

  • Built-in Android reset: This is probably the easiest way to delete your data but it cannot be done remotely. You have to have the phone if you want to restore it to its factory settings. This does not require any installation. You can also erase data in your SD card.


  • Lookout security and antivirus: If you choose the premium version, you have the capacity to safely browse and remotely lock your phone. You can also wipe it and back up your messages. Like other apps, it will locate the lost phone and sound the alarm.
  • Mobile security: You can actually remotely wipe information on your lost or stolen phone. The good thing about this application is its capacity to sound an alarm and it can locate the lost phone. Apart from that, it has the power to lock the phone. You only need a web interface to do all these things.
  • Android lost: If you still expect to find your phone, you can use Android Lost. It offers lots of features that will surely give you hope in finding your lost phone. For example, it will allow you to read your text messages even without the phone plus it can lock your phone. In adverse moments, it will automatically erase the SD card and locate the lost phone through GPS.
  • Autowipe: You can automatically wipe information depending on specific criteria. For example, you can set it so that if the specified number of attempts for password is reached it will automatically trigger the autowipe.

What a relief that there are applications that you can turn to when your phone is lost or stolen. If you think that your information or data is still not safe even with the apps mentioned above, the best way to safeguard it is never put it in your mobile devices. You have to be careful about your data because it can make or destroy you.

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